Dear Community Members,
I am happy to report that we are now under contract for the next phase of architectural design, permitting, and construction management for the remodel and restoration of the Sudden Valley Fire Station. While we have a long way to go, we finalized the execution of the contract this morning.
Tomorrow, 9/20/2024, we will be meeting with the architect on-site to go over final details of the conceptual plan and scope of work to ensure all components are addressed before sub-contracted engineers and designers continue work on the detailed plans needed to submit for building permits. We hope this work can be completed in the next 30-60 days, although this is subject to timelines of the lead architect and their subcontracted firms. Design and construction timelines will be mutually agreed upon based on our contract terms.
In the meantime, we have had our crews working to clean-up the station vegetation, parking area, and windows. The firefighter crews now located at Geneva are still regularly on-site in Sudden Valley performing maintenance, cleaning, training, and physical fitness activities; as well as our administrative and chief command staff that are still in the building during normal business hours.
We are moving forward and approving each part of the project as it comes to us, as quickly as possible.
We know the impacts to the community and we will do everything possible to express the need to expedite permitting review and approval through Whatcom County Planning & Development, when we get to that stage.
I encourage community members to continue to reach out to me or one of our fire commissioners (https://www.swrfa.org/about-swfa/commissioners-and-staff/) with any questions or comments. I also invite any community member to attend one of our monthly Board of Commissioners meetings (https://www.swrfa.org/public-records/board-of-commissioners/) to hear the latest updates, provide Public Comment, or just to learn more about how your Fire Authority operates.
Thank you for your patience and diligence on this lengthy project.
-Mitch Nolze, Fire Chief
Office: (360) 676-8080 (x101)
Email: mnolze@swrfa.org